Wednesday, August 4, 2010

First Day in Uniform

For our first day in uniforms it wasn't so bad, except for the fact that they don't offer women's shorts/pants, so the crotch of my shorts was legit 8 inches beyond where it should have been and my belt literally went around me twice haha! But at breakfast they had people come in and cut our belts for us :) That was nice. So after breakfast we went to the gym for our medical check in, where I had to pee in a cup and got stuck with two shots without warning and they are lucky I didnt pass out because I have become super squeemish (spell check?) in my old age! After surviving the shots (my arm STILL hurts!) we had our photos taken (either for IDs or a yearbook) and the photographer told me that our team was the most photogenic haha :) The rest of the day we played those annoying get-to-know-you and waste-time games (some of them were fun, but partner tag was just confusing!) and then we spent the remaining 4 hours of the day in lectures! blahhh it was so hot in there, the chairs were so hard and hurt my butt and my eyes were so heavy, I really thought I was going to just fall asleep! I must say that the last lecture definitely woke me up though, because it was all about creepy creatures like black widow spiders, rattle snakes, water snakes, etc. that live around here and tornados coming through and stuff like that....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I was totally freaked out, not gonna lie. All I could think was that it wasn't really me that belonged here, but Jonny haha
After eating dinner with my team, we all went for a tour of downtown Vicksburg where we got to see the Mississippi and Yazoo rivers. We went to a place where there was a perfect view of the Mississippi river, a cool cannon on the top of a hill, and a gorgeous pink sunset to top it off! I took lots of pictures, but those will have to wait 'til my laptop decides to work...haha.
OH! I totally forgot to write about how outgoing and talkative I was the first day I arrived here after my crazy morning in airports all over the US...when I finally got onto my last flight, I saw that most of the passengers were around my age and alone, so I figured I would ask if they were with AmeriCorps turns out they were! So it was really neat to meet them and chat with them during the flight, and get to know some people since I had been nervous about not knowing anywhile when I got here. After the flight landed, we had to wait for our shuttle vans to arrive, and I was so overtired that I was the most outgoing and talkative I have ever been in my life! I was chatting with everyone...I felt kinda like a camp counselor or something, like I was responsible for making others feel welcome in a state that I myself have never even been to! It was a side of myself that I have not even seen...which lead to me acting like a complete freak and telling my shuttle-mates all of my crazy childhood stories in about 10 minutes flat! I told the story of how I ran myself over in 6th grade and don't have my license, how Heather and I used to dress as twins and people actually believed us, that I convinced my 3rd grade class, bus driver, and basketball coach that my name was Brittany O'Neal and Shaq was my brother...and even the story of how a kid at the Mall of America thought I was Kimmy Gibbler from the show Full House--which lead to some of those people now giving me the nickname "Gibbler", much to my dismay! SO, overall I am still really enjoying my time here and am getting to know some awesome people, but after that last lecture today I am reallllllly scared to walk anywhere alone because I don't want to encounter any creepy critters or natural disasters--especially alone!

1 comment:

  1. Yo, Gibbler, your little brother is sooo jealous that you get to be in a place with all those cool critters!
    Now about those there a rule about the belt being in the beltloops?? If not, you could hike those shorts up until the crotch is where a crotch is supposed to be, put your belt on where a belt is supposed to be, and then roll the top of your shorts down. Definitely a fashion statement...Gibbleresque even. :)
    Stay cool.
    Love you, ~mama
